Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Copy files to desktop in SCCM 2012

Copy files to desktop in SCCM 2012


1.       Create a parent folder in your source file repository (I created DesktopTools).

2.       Create a sub-folder in the folder just created called Files2Copy and place the files you are going to copy to desktop in this folder.

if not exist "%1" md "%1"
copy /y "%~dp0Files2Copy\*.*" "%1"
3.       Create a batch file called filecopy.bat (if you’re not sure how to create a batch file here’s a quick instructions - A. open notepad and copy paste those 2 lines in below B. save as then point to the DesktopTools folder, name it filecopy.bat) with the below two lines and place it in the parent directory created in step 1. This batch file will create a folder specified on the command-line (if it doesn’t already exist) and copy the files from the Files2Copy folder into it.

So it should looks like below

4.       Create a package in SCCM 2012 using the parent directory created in step 1 as the source file location
                a) Open SCCM 2012 console=> Software Library => Application management => Right click Packages =>  Create Package =>


Note: "C:\Users\Public\Desktop " is the Wins 7 All Users Desktop location


8.       The rest of screens are default so just Next, Next , & Close.


9.       Right click on the “Desktop Tools” package=> Distribute Content => Add the selection point. Then ext.


10.   Right click on the “Desktop Tools” package=> Deploy => Collection – just browse to one you would like to advertise to then Next => You can make it available or required, in my case I chose required because the files/shortcut must be copied to newly deployed laptops/desktops.


11.    Assignment schedule I made it As soon as possible.


12.   The rest of screens are default so just Next, Next Close.


13.   Done


  1. There is something more we must to do? This didnt work for me, I use SCCM 2012 SP1. Never get de Compliance to 100%.


  2. Joevany, Thank you for the info.
    I just used it and perfect.
    one question I have is that the icons were lost in the process - how can I address this?

  3. Please email me your detailed questions to

    1. I can't get this to work, are you still up for questions? :)

  4. Credit for this trick goes to Jason Sandy -

  5. this works great!!

    Now how can I remove this shortcut when a task sequence has finished?
