Monday, November 26, 2012

How to view installed programs on remote machine.

How to view installed programs on remote machine and export to text file in C drive - You can use WMI from powershell:

1. Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator

2.  Copy and paste below command

gwmi win32_product -ComputerName NameOfYourPC >c:\ViewSoftwares.txt

3. After few minutes go to your C:\ drive and look for ViewSoftwares.txt file to see what programs has been installed for the computer NameOfYourPC.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Using PsExec to deploy silent MSI program to 1 or multiple client

1. Download PsExec from or just Google for "Download psexec"

2. Exact to your C:\PsExec  folder  - Create the folder if you don't have

3. Open command prompt with administrator privilege ( locate your CMD and right click and select run as Administrator"

4. change the directory to your PsExec folder (where you extracted the PsExec files) by typing in the command """"cd c:\PsExec""" and hit Enter

5. Now put your Program.msi file into a network shared and please make sure you have full access to that folder.

6. type this in CMD *****  psexec \\ -u "domain\administrator" -p "Password" cmd /c "msiexec.exe /I \\networkshared\folder\Program.msi /quiet /norestart"     *****  then hit enter

7. Below is the syntax is used to install to COMPUTERNAME instead of IP Address, when you get the error code 0. That is completed status.

8. To install 1 program into multiple workstations, just create  computerlist.txt file and add all the computer names or IP Addresses as you wish in there and save it to the C:\PsExec folder.
                    . Then you would use the \\computerlist.txt  syntax instead of a single computername or  IP Address.             

9. Please modify the syntaxes to fit your needs, if you have any question I am here to help so send me an email if need be at

Friday, November 16, 2012

How to scan domain servers/desktops and pipe to a .cvs file

Copy below script into notepad and save as ScanServersDesktops.vbs file, this will scan the domain servers/desktops or both and result will be in C;\ComputerReport.csv




Option Explicit


                Call MainScript


WScript.Echo "Changes complete. Check the report on C: Drive"


Sub MainScript

' Version 1.0

' Amended by Krystian Karia

' Dated 18-Feb-2009


' Script that gets all the computer names

' and their DistinguishedNames from AD.

' All results are put to a csv file


                On Error Resume Next



                Dim objFSO, objReport

                Dim strReportFile

                Dim strHeader, strMsg

                Dim strComputer

                Dim iSelectedOption

                Dim arrComputers


                Const ForWriting = 2


' Create needed objects

                Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


' Initialize variables

                strHeader = "ComputerName,DistinguishedName"

                strReportFile = "c:\ComputerReport.csv"


' Open the report

                Set objReport = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strReportFile, ForWriting, True)


' Enter the header

                objReport.WriteLine strHeader



' Ask where to get our machine list from

                                strMsg = strMsg & "Select an option by entering a number only!" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

                                strMsg = strMsg & "1 - Servers Only (From AD)" & vbNewLine

                                strMsg = strMsg & "2 - Desktops Only (From AD)" & vbNewLine

                                strMsg = strMsg & "3 - All Machines (From AD)" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine


                iSelectedOption = InputBox(strMsg, "Select an Option", "1")


                                Select Case Trim(iSelectedOption)

                                                Case "1"

                                                                arrComputers = GetObjectArrayFromAD("Servers", "")


                                                Case "2"

                                                                arrComputers = GetObjectArrayFromAD("Desktops", "")


                                                Case "3"

                                                                arrComputers = GetObjectArrayFromAD("AllMachines", "")


                                                Case Else

                                                                WScript.Echo "An invalid option was made or you cancelled"


                                End Select


' Loop each computer

                For Each strComputer In arrComputers

                                If strComputer = "" Then

                                                Exit For

                                End If


                                objReport.WriteLine strComputer






End Sub






Private Function GetObjectArrayFromAD(sArgComputerType, sArgDCName)

' Version 1.0

' ~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~


'               Function Written by Krystian Karia


'               Description:        Function that searches AD based on the criteria

'                                                                               that you pass to it and returns an Array


'               Use:                                       Pass the Machine Type and optional Domain Controller ServerName


'               Example:                             arrMyComputerArray = GetObjectArrayFromAD("servers" | "desktops" | "allmachines" ["dcservername"])


'               Returns:                               An array of all required computer objects found


'               Version:                               Version 1.0                         Created on 06-08-2007


' ~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~¬~


                On Error Resume Next


                Dim oRoot

                Dim strBase, strFilter, strCriteria, strLevel

                Dim adoConnection, adoCommand, adoRecordset

                Dim strQuery, strContents

                Dim arrResults

                Dim i



' Get the Domain you are currently in

                Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")

                                strBase = oRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext")


                                                If Err.Number<> 0 Then

                                                                WScript.Echo "Unable to get the current domain name - Is the machine this script ran on a part of one?" _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & "Error: " & Err.Number _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & Err.Source _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & Err.Description


                                                                GetObjectArrayFromAD = False

                                                End If


' Build the Filter string according to our computer type request

                Select Case UCase(sArgComputerType)

                                Case "SERVERS"

                                                strFilter = "(&(&(&(sAMAccountType=805306369)(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=*Server*))))"


                                Case "DESKTOPS"

                                                strFilter = "(&(&(sAMAccountType=805306369)(objectCategory=computer)(!operatingSystem=*Server*)))"


                                Case "ALLMACHINES"

                                                strFilter = "(&(&(&(sAMAccountType=805306369)(objectCategory=computer)(samAccountName=*))))"


                                Case Else

                                                Exit Function

                End Select


' Set our Attribute Criteria and Search Level

                                strCriteria = "sAMAccountName,distinguishedName"

                                strLevel = "SubTree"


' Build our complete query string using the DC Server Name if passed

                If sArgDCName <> "" Then

                                strQuery = "<LDAP://" & sArgDCName & "/" & strBase & ">;" & strFilter & ";" & strCriteria & ";" & strLevel


                                strQuery = "<LDAP://" & strBase & ">;" & strFilter & ";" & strCriteria & ";" & strLevel

                End If


' Set up the connection to Active Directory using ADO

                Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

                Set adoCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")


                                adoConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"

                                adoConnection.Open = "Active Directory Provider"

                                adoConnection.Cursorlocation = 3


                Set adoCommand.ActiveConnection = adoConnection


                                                If Err.Number <> 0 Then

                                                                WScript.Echo "Unable to open a connection to Active Directory" _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & "Error: " & Err.Number _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & Err.Source _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & Err.Description


                                                                GetObjectArrayFromAD = False

                                                End If


                                adoCommand.CommandText = strQuery

                                adoCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000

                                adoCommand.Properties("Timeout") = 30

                                adoCommand.Properties("Cache Results") = False


' Get the recordset results of the query to Active Directory

                Set adoRecordset = adoCommand.Execute

                                adoRecordset.Sort = "distinguishedName"


                                                If Err.Number <> 0 Then

                                                                WScript.Echo "An error occured executing the recordset" _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & "Error: " & Err.Number _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & Err.Source _

                                                                                & VbCrLf & Err.Description


                                                                GetObjectArrayFromAD = False

                                                End If



' Loop all the records that were found

                                Do Until adoRecordset.EOF = True


'                                               For i = 0 To adoRecordset.Fields.Count - 1


                                                                If NOT IsNull(adoRecordset.Fields("sAMAccountName").Value) Then ' Remove $ symbol from end of machines

                                                                                strContents = strContents & Left(adoRecordset.Fields("sAMAccountName").Value, Len(adoRecordset.Fields("sAMAccountName").Value) - 1) & ","

                                                                End If


                                                                strContents = strContents & Chr(34) & adoRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName").Value & Chr(34) & vbNewLine


'                                               Next




' Close the Recordset and clear the variables



                Set adoRecordset = Nothing

                Set adoCommand = Nothing

                Set adoConnection = Nothing


' Check the contents of the list is not empty

                                If Trim(strContents) <> "" Then

                                                arrResults = Split(strContents, vbNewLine)          ' Create an array of the list

                                                                strContents = ""                                                                                               ' Clear the variable as not needed anymore



                                                GetObjectArrayFromAD = arrResults



                                                GetObjectArrayFromAD = False

                                End If


End Function 'GetObjectArrayFromAD

