1. Download PsExec from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx or just Google for "Download psexec"
2. Exact to your C:\PsExec folder - Create the folder if you don't have
3. Open command prompt with administrator privilege ( locate your CMD and right click and select run as Administrator"
4. change the directory to your PsExec folder (where you extracted the PsExec files) by typing in the command """"cd c:\PsExec""" and hit Enter
5. Now put your Program.msi file into a network shared and please make sure you have full access to that folder.
6. type this in CMD ***** psexec \\ -u "domain\administrator" -p "Password" cmd /c "msiexec.exe /I \\networkshared\folder\Program.msi /quiet /norestart" ***** then hit enter
7. Below is the syntax is used to install to COMPUTERNAME instead of IP Address, when you get the error code 0. That is completed status.
8. To install 1 program into multiple workstations, just create computerlist.txt file and add all the computer names or IP Addresses as you wish in there and save it to the C:\PsExec folder.
. Then you would use the \\computerlist.txt syntax instead of a single computername or IP Address.
9. Please modify the syntaxes to fit your needs, if you have any question I am here to help so send me an email if need be at joevanynguyen@gmail.com
Thank You SOOOOO MUCH, this is really helpful!!!